Thank you for a Fantastic 2019!

The past year was nothing short of life-changing and incredible. We have had the most rewarding decade as we've seen great growth our projects, enabling us to reach more and more. While encountering our fair share of challenges along the way, we have come across some incredible opportunities that have taken us further than we could have imagined.

Thank you for the part that you play in all of this. We could not do all that we do without each one of our supporters so, as we all close this chapter and step into a new decade, we want to express our gratitude.

We had a wonderful time celebrating the end of the year in the SHE Rescue Home. Check out what we got up to!

Christmas Day was spent at the local waterpark - maybe not your classic white Christmas celebration but in the heat of Cambodia, there's no better way to spend the day!


The swim was followed by a pizza party at a restaurant where all the girls and house mums got to share a delicious celebratory meal together.


Special thank you to all who donated towards the girls' gifts. It was so lovely to give these gifts out to all the girls and see their excitement as they unwrapped them.

The girls also received a visit from a string quartet and got to watch their classical performance. It was beautiful and inspiring.


What a way to finish off the year!

We hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Years and you are feeling refreshed as you begin your 2020.