anyone can fundraise

These are the things that make our work so much fun - partnering with you! What helps our advocates is to begin thinking what you have to work with right now where you stand - and start there! Have a friend who cares about human trafficking? Partner up! Have a business? Engage your customers in a cause and increase your business. Have a sports or work team? Produce a team shirt made by survivors in our sewing centre. Have a large event approaching? Sell our products and spread awareness. Contact us today to brainstorm ideas and let us help you.


The ideas are endless! We’ve had school girls bake cupcakes to sell and they generated $700! A florist donated one day’s worth of her sales to our work and generated over $2,000. One advocate created a fundraising page of her own on Facebook and generated $600 in a few hours! Join our advocate team and help us change the world.

There are so many ways you can be involved.png

Our Fundraising Stories