Healing through art therapy


If you were to paint or draw a picture of yourself – what do you think it would look like? Would you lean towards the abstract or depict your features as in a photograph?

We know through research that how we see ourselves and the expression of this is a culmination of our experiences and our environments. We also know that expressing deeply suppressed memories of trauma or grief can sometimes be easier to do through art than through talking.

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This past month in the SHE Rescue Home, we have seen a focus on using art as a medium for the girls to explore and express their emotions. Through group art sessions and guided by an Art Therapist, the girls have been getting used to the materials and concepts of artistic expression to build their skills and trust in the process of self expression.

The girls have been encouraged to create art that expresses their inner world, rather than focus on technique or a perfectly finished product.

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As their skills have improved, the girls have been able to explore different aspects of their personality, emotions and experiences.

As they continue to develop and gain confidence, the goal is to eventually depict themselves through their art with a self portrait; which will help them gain personal insight and help our counselors develop coping skills with the girls.

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Thank you for your gift.

Even in these times, we are humbled to know our girls are still on the hearts and minds of people all over the world who continue to give generously.

We are so grateful to our Art Therapist for teaching the girls this incredible skill of self expression. If you would like to give towards activities such as art therapy, please click on the link.

Together, we are truly changing lives.